Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Adventure begins with Adventure!

Tuesday December 22, 2015
The Adventure… that almost didn’t happen!
I have been preparing for this sailing trip to Antarctica on the Bark Europa for almost a year.  Gathering knowledge, gear, visa, airline tickets, building excitement (and perhaps a little anxiety!  What the heck am I doing?!?!?), the day finally arrived.
Cindy and her brother picked me up early Friday morning, December 19.  Final good byes to Hal and the critters and we were off.  We had a very pleasant and uneventful drive to Seatac.  Had a nice lunch at a restaurant close to the airport then they dropped me off.  Cindy and Tony were going to spend the day in Seattle before returning to Ocean Shores.  I was starting my epic journey.
My flight was to Houston then to Santiago, Chile with the final leg to Punta Arenas.  Only a 37 minute layover in Houston.  I was concerned about that, but made the connection without difficulty.  In Santiago we would have a 12 (looooong) hour layover.  Then the adventure began.

After several delays we were finally on our way to Santiago.  We had been en route to Santiago for two hours when an announcement over the PA system informed us that we were returning to Houston (?!!?!?!?).  No explanation given.  Oh my.  Then we were informed that our next flight out would be the next day at 12:30 to arrive at about 1am…uuuummmmm our flight to Punta Arenas was leaving at 10pm… suddenly the 12 hour layover was not going to be nearly enough!
When we arrived (back) in Houston there was a customer service counter set up.  Lots of unhappy folks needed to be given vouchers for a hotel room and food and told that there were no other options to get to Santiago any earlier.  Many people were missing their cruise ships or hiking trips.  I had planned ahead and had an extra 1 ½ days to get there.  Until I found out that the soonest I could get a flight to Punta Arenas was at 10:30 pm on Dec 23 (arrive 1am on Dec 24) and the Bark Europa leaves at 5pm on Dec 22!!!  The representative was very nice trying different ways to get me to PA, but no avail.  Others were trying to find alternate routes to meet their cruise ships or their hiking buddies at a different location.  Many people were in tears.

I held it together.  Had to get there… this trip has been in the planning for way too long!  Checked into a hotel and stayed up making calls to the trip insurance company (very patient and helpful, but not able to get me any closer to PA), checking alternative transportation (bus? Car rental? Charter a plane?) on the internet but no luck.  Finally took a (much needed) shower and a short (but also much needed) nap.  Then back to Houston.  Turns out there was a strike in Chile… not sure if just airlines or other areas, but we allowed to fly to Santiago, while the other flights were canceled.
After many more delays, were we (finally) flying to Santiago.  We arrived about 2am and went straight to the ticket counter to wait until they opened at 4:30 to try to book other (earlier) flights.  No go.  The strike had ended a couple of hours earlier (hoorah!!) and I thought they would have scheduled more flights… silly me!  Off to find out about bus… 3000 KM… would take almost 3 days.  No good.  Not able to rent a car one way.  (besides, could not drive it in time…), the taxi drivers kept asking me if I needed a ride and I finally said yes, to Punta Arenas!  They just laughed, BUT that was the first of the turning point!  One of the drivers, Jose, took it upon himself to try to help me.  In my poor Spanish and his moderate English we worked through all the possibilities.

He was finally able to get me on as first stand by for a flight at 10:30 that night (the 21nd).  And then we went off to a municipal airport to see if there was a charter available.  No.  Helicopter?  No.  Back to the airport.  He spoke to the representative at the ticket counter some more, showed them my travel documents for the ship and the date of sailing, etc.  Got them to call one of his friends that is a manager… well, it worked!!  I had a boarding pass for that night!  Woo Hoo!  So Jose took me to a hotel for the day (for another much needed shower and rest) then picked me up that night and took me back to the airport for the final flight to Punta Arenas, due to arrive at 1:45 am on  Dec 22!!  I would NOT miss the boat!!   THANK YOU Jose and all the other powers that be!  Some major perseverance, determination, Jose’s help and some darned good luck, got me to where I needed to be!  Ya-hoo!
At the airport I met a couple of other ladies heading down to the Bark Europa!  One had been stuck on Easter Island for FOUR days and finally got out on a military plane!  Hope she writes about her adventures!  The other one had troubles similar to mine.
Enough other passengers are having difficulty, so the Captain of the Europa may delay departure.  Sure hope everybody makes it!!  Wow!  We will all be sharing those stories, I am sure!

Arrived at my lodging about 3am.  Carmen got me settled, spent some time sending out emails to let folks know that I was safe and in PA.  Took a shower and had a good sleep.  After a light breakfast I wandered around town along the water.  Some really nice statues, painted buildings and pretty houses.  Cool, cloudy, a little rain.  Saw a veterinary clinic and stopped in to say hi!  Had a nice lunch then finally returned to the hostal to write up the accounts of the last few days.  Taxi will pick me up in an hour to take me to the Bark Europa!  Now, let’s really let the adventure begin!
Stories about life on board will appear regularly in the logbook on the website www.barkeuropa.com.  "Follow the ship” online will tell you exactly where the Europa is sailing.  Website www.windyty.com will give you some information on the expected weather circumstances.  Want more stories?  Like the Facebook page.

I won’t be able to post any more of the trip.  We won’t have internet access.  I will write as we travel and post in January when I return home.
So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.