Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Setting Sail!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

We were due to sail at 2am.  I managed to fall asleep for a while, but woke up about 1:45 and dressed and got up on deck.  It was clear and cold but beautiful.    The stars were bright, the moon close to full, saw two satellites as well.  Saw the Southern Cross and Orion… upside down!  

There were two tug boats to help the Europa out.  I don’ think they were really needed and they left as soon as we were clear of the pier.
Helped with some lines as a few of the sails were set.  It was lovely. 

Finally headed off to bed… fell asleep to the sound of the water gurgling past the hull next to my head.

Later in the day...

Slept very well for about four hours.  We don’t have a port hole in our cabin, so it was dark and I think we all slept well.

Got dressed in lots of layers and went to breakfast then up on deck.  It was gorgeous as we were motoring through the Chilean Fjords. 

We had some training on life on the ship, some safety talks, and tours.   Then we were divided into groups for watches.  There are three groups, about 12 people in each group and we rotate through 4 hour watches.  We all paired up and rotate through 20 minute watches.  We are looking for anything that we can run into or that can run into us! 

Krista mending a sail. 

I am paired with Emma and she has eagle eyes!!  She spotted three seals and a humpback whale!!  I saw them (after she pointed them out) but was not able to get a photo.  Those will just have to stay in the memories of our minds!

Emma, my awesome "watch buddy"!

Hauling lines.

By afternoon we were getting a steady rain.  The winds picked up a bit as well.  As we were touching along the Pacific Ocean we were in some pretty heavy swells.  Several people got a bit seasick during the day.  (Knock on wood…. I have avoided it…. So far!)

Heidi, Elizabeth and Maggie

We are being fed very well.  Really nice meals.  There are always pots of coffee and tea available, and little snacks.  There is plenty of bread and saltine crackers for those feeling a little queasy. 
Our first glacier!

Our group (the blue team) is on watch at 4am, so I am going to finish this and head to bed.  We are to grab bits of rest whenever possible.

Sites in the Chilean Fjords.

So good night for now!  4am comes might early!
Stacy, Vet at Sea (!!)

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