Monday, February 29, 2016

Permission to dock?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

 We had some good winds and got to sail part of the way, in fact we arrive in Ushuaia a bit earlier than expected.  But… the winds were so bad, the cruise ship was not allowed to leave the port and they were in our spot.  The port was actually closed due to the high winds!  And there was another vessel ahead of us waiting to dock!


We had been asked how many of us wanted to have dinner on the boat and how many planned to eat in Ushuaia.  For the first time ever, every guest chose to stay on the ship!  Shows what a close knit family we became.  It is very special.

We were finally given permission to dock.  Very impressive to see this gorgeous ship “parallel park” at the dock!!  We were certainly the center of attention, the Europa is so stunning to look at!  By the time we were securely docked and cleared by customs, it was time for dinner.  Afterwards we had our last “eight o’clockies” and had another special program.

Matt was sweating hauling on some lines!

Jordi showed a slide show of the information he put together for us about our trip!  It includes daily logs, information and stories about the areas, photos and information about the conditions.  He is an incredible photographer.  The photos are stunning.  It also includes all the photo entries that we submitted for the contest and photos/email addresses for all the guests.  We were each given a USB drive Europa Penguin with all the data on it!!!  Fantastic!!

A friend of Dr Bob's... but their ship left before ours was docked so they did not get to visit.

Puts a whole new dimension to parallel parking!

B and Peer were the first off the boat to go to town!

The awards were given in six categories for the photo contest.  The pictures were GREAT! 
We went ashore for the evening (some late into the night, morning!!) and returned to the ship for our last night.  We all had to try to get all of our gear repacked… and figure out what to do with any souvenirs we bought… glad I brought an empty bag to fill!!

Well, here is to our last night…

Stacy, Vet at Sea

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