Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Zodiacs, Ice bergs and Seals

These are "Jordi-isms" that were listed during last night's New Years Celebration.

Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy New Year!
Many people were slow getting up today.  The activities were two shifts of zodiac touring of glaciers and ice bergs.  Those that thought it out, signed up for the afternoon session!!  Being then morning person that I am, I signed up for the morning group.

Doesn't it look like there is a light inside to make it glow blue?!?!?

Hello?  May I help you?

We slowly motored in and around channels between the giant formations of ice.  The blue colors were amazing.  In the clear water, the base of the berg could be seen descending deeper.  We watched a leopard seal resting up on one berg.  Impressive animal!

We took the two zodiacs, Blackie and Gray, and the little dingy, Sloopy, and off we went to tour some ice bergs up close and personal.  Incredibly gorgeous!  Not long into our trip, Sloopy’s engine would no longer go into gear.  I was worried that we would have to return to the boat, but Blackie is big and strong with a pretty big motor, so Sloopy was towed by Blackie for the rest of the trip.  Yay!  Rescue at sea!

The leopard seal is resting on the ice berg.  The ice berg base was melting and rocking like a cradle.

Elena and Klaas enjoying hot chocolate among the ice bergs!
 We traveled deeper into the channel.  Then stopped and had some hot chocolate and chocolate mints!  What a special treat!  Wow, on the Europa everything is wonderful, but those tiny little touches are amazing!  “Delivery in Abundance”!

After lunch, the other group went out to see bergs.  This time Gray had some engine trouble!  So Gray got towed.  LOL!  During that time, I tried to catch up on photos and blogs, and get some rest.  Did very little of either.  Too much to see and do and folks to visit with!  

 We all gathered for dinner, then motored into Trinity Bay.  I was out on the bowsprit again.  Aaaahhhh!  I love hanging about out there!  Watching the gorgeous ice bergs, listening to them “sing” as they are melting, watching the sun “set”… with the sun lighting up the sky between clouds, reflecting on the water, dotted with ice bergs… spectacular!
Off for a good night sleep before the next adventure.  What a FABULOUS way to start the New Year!!!
Stacy, Vet at Sea

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